Stages of Cold Sores & How oldsore Lowers Stage Durations

Stages of Cold Sores & How oldsore Lowers Stage Durations

Cold sores are a big problem, they affect everyday life for a lot of people. Some people get cold sores and decide to cancel their plans. We believe that no plans should be cancelled because of a pesky cold sore! Especially when you are waiting 7-10 days for your cold sore to clear. This leads to common questions such as people asking when a cold sore is no longer contagious. To answer these questions, we must first discuss the stages of a cold sore, and how long each stage typically lasts. We will then explain how our products stop cold sores from ever occurring, so no plans need to be cancelled.

How Many Stages of a Cold Sore Are There?

Cold sores progress through five stages, starting with the tingling or itching stage, characterised by a tingling or itching sensation around the lips, nose, or mouth. The blister or swelling stage follows, where fluid-filled blisters or swelling appears around the affected area. The weeping or ulcer stage follows when the blisters burst and the sore releases fluid. After this is the crusting or scabbing stage. A scab forms over the sore as it begins to heal. The healing stage is the final stage, where the crust or scab gradually fades as the sore heals, and the skin returns to its normal appearance. We will now discuss each stage in more detail.

oldsore cold sore oil being used to cure cold sores.

Stage 1 Early Stage of a Cold Sore – The Tingling Stage

The first stage of a cold sore is known as the tingling stage, this stage typically lasts for 1-2 days. During this stage, an individual may feel a tingling, itching, or burning sensation around their lips, nose, or mouth. This sensation is often described as uncomfortable, and it can be accompanied by redness, swelling or a small bump.

The tingling stage is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which enters the body through a break in the skin or mucous membrane. Once inside the body, the virus travels to nerve cells near the site of infection and establishes a dormant state. When triggered by factors such as stress, sunlight, or a weakened immune system, the virus becomes active and travels back to the surface of the skin, causing the symptoms of a cold sore.

Can Your Body Fight off Cold Sores?

During the tingling or itching cold sore stage, the body's immune system begins to respond to the virus by releasing white blood cells and antibodies to fight the infection. 

When the virus enters the body, it is recognised as foreign by the immune system's white blood cells, which then produce antibodies that are specific to the virus. These antibodies bind to the virus and signal other immune cells to destroy the infected cells.

At the same time, white blood cells called T cells and natural killer cells are activated and are sent to the site of infection to attack the virus and the infected cells. These cells work together to control the spread of the virus and limit the damage to the surrounding healthy tissue.

However, the immune response during the tingling or itching stage may not always be strong enough to eliminate the virus, which can lead to the development of a cold sore. This is why it is important to act during this stage as explained further down.

How to Reduce the Cold Sores Severity in the Itching Stage?

To minimise the severity and duration of a cold sore, it is important to take action during the tingling or itching stage of a cold sore. Applying oldsore’s cold sore oil, can help to reduce the viral load and prevent the cold sore from progressing. In addition, taking helfi sachets daily will prevent outbreaks from ever happening again. After the cold sore is gone, using these daily will mean there is no need to use oldsore cold sore oil ever again.

The tingling or itching stage is the first cold sore stage and is often found around or inside the mouth. If you do get a cold sore inside the mouth, our 100% natural cold sore prevention sachet, helfi can be taken daily to avoid cold sores from ever occurring again. However, what not a lot of people know is that cold sores can spread to other parts of the body including the eyes, nose, and even the genitals. This stage typically lasts for a few hours to 1 day. But by applying oldsore every 45 minutes after getting a cold sore, the time will be significantly less, and the cold sore lifecycle will be cut short lasting less than 24 hours if the cold sore is caught at the tingle phase. If it is caught at a later stage, oldsore will still be effective at significantly shortening the time you have the cold sore. Additionally, it should be noted that oldsore shouldn't be used inside of the mouth as this can irritate the throat and digestive system.

Stage 2 of a Cold Sore – The Blistering Stage

During the second stage of a cold sore, also known as the blistering stage, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) begins to replicate within the skin cells, causing a small blister to form around the lips, nose, or mouth. This blister is usually small and may be surrounded by a red or swollen area. It can also be painful or itchy for some individuals. However, if helfi sachets are used daily the cold sore would never get to this point.

The blister itself is filled with fluid that is teeming with viral particles. The virus is highly contagious, and it can spread to other parts of the body or other individuals through direct contact with the fluid within the blister. During this stage, it's crucial to avoid touching the cold sore other than to apply oldsore cold sore oil. It's important to wash your hands before and after touching the cold sore when applying our cold sore oil, this is to prevent the spread of the virus. During stage 2 the cold sore is the most viral, so it's very important you do this!

The duration of the blistering cold sore stage typically lasts for 1-2 days without treatment, after which the blister will eventually burst, releasing the fluid within it. This can cause the sore to weep which can be a source of discomfort for some individuals. When using oldsore cold sore oil, this stage will be significantly shorter.

It's worth noting that the severity of this stage can vary depending on factors such as the individual's immune system and the location of the cold sore.

To help reduce the risk of developing cold sores in the first place, it's important to maintain good hygiene habits, such as regularly washing your hands and avoiding sharing personal items like utensils or towels. Additionally, avoiding exposure to known triggers such as stress, sunlight or certain foods can also help prevent cold sores from developing. What's more, to avoid cold sores ever occurring in the first place, our cold sore prevention sachet helfi can help. helfi sachets should be used daily. They are a 100% natural and effective solution to preventing cold sores and enhancing general health and well-being and they are easy to use.

Stage 3 of a Cold Sore - The Weeping Stage

The third stage of a cold sore, also known as the weeping stage, is when the blister on the skin bursts open, releasing the clear or yellow fluid that has accumulated within it. It should be noted that if oldsore cold sore oil has been used correctly from stage 1, the cold sore will never get to this stage! This is particularly beneficial as this stage can be very uncomfortable and the most painful stage out of all the cold sore stages, and the open sore is often accompanied by swelling and redness. 

The burst blister exposes the underlying tissue, which can be vulnerable to secondary bacterial infections. The body's immune system continues to fight off the virus, which can lead to inflammation and discomfort in the affected area.

During the weeping stage, the body is working to repair the damaged skin tissue and begin the healing process. The exposed sore is a result of the body's immune system breaking down the skin cells around the blister to get rid of the virus. As a result, the sore is highly contagious and can easily spread to other areas of the body or to other individuals through direct contact with the fluid within the sore.

The duration of the weeping stage can vary depending on the individual's immune system and the severity of the cold sore and during this stage the cold sore throbs. Typically, this stage lasts for 1-2 days before the sore begins to scab over and the healing process continues. However once again, if oldsore has been applied properly, the cold sore will never get to this stage in the first place!

Stage 4 of a Cold Sore – The Crusting Stage

The fourth stage of a cold sore is known as the crusting stage. During this stage, a yellowish crust or scab forms over the site of the cold sore as the body continues to heal itself. If you use oldsore cold sore oil from stage 1, you will never experience this unpleasant crusting stage. The scab is usually dry and hard, and it can be itchy and uncomfortable, making it difficult to resist the urge to scratch or pick at the area.

The scab is made up of a combination of dried blood and dead skin cells, which provides a protective layer over the underlying tissue as it continues to heal. This layer also helps to prevent the spread of the virus to other areas of the body or to other people.

The duration of the crusting stage can vary depending on the individual's immune system and the severity of the cold sore. Typically, this stage lasts for 3-5 days before the scab begins to fall off and the skin underneath begins to heal.

It is important to avoid picking or scratching at the scab during this stage of the cold sore, as this can damage the new skin underneath and prolong the healing process. However, you can still carefully dab oldsore cold sore oil on the cold sore. When you get a cold sore, start applying oldsore cold sore oil from the itching stage, and you will never experience this nasty crusting stage of the cold sore. You normally wouldn't move past stage 2 - the blistering stage - if you used this cold sore oil properly from the start of stage 1. However, we have a cold sore prevention treatment called helfi. If you use this cold sore prevention sachet daily, this will ensure you never get a cold sore in the first place, as well as promoting general heath & well-being, meaning you wouldn't need to use oldsore cold sore oil in the first place.

Stage 5 of a Cold Sore – The Healing Stage

During the healing stage, the body's immune system continues to work to repair the damaged tissue caused by the cold sore. The new skin that forms is often pink or slightly red at first but will gradually return to its normal colour over time. It is important to keep the area clean and dry during this stage to prevent infections and aid the healing process. 

The length of the healing stage can vary depending on the severity of the cold sore and the individual's immune system response. Generally, it takes about 7 to 10 days for the cold sore to completely heal, but in some cases, it may take up to two weeks without using cold sore treatments.

To prevent cold sores ever appearing our 'helfi' sachets should be used daily, they are 100% natural and will prevent you from getting cold sores again.

However, using oldsore's cold sore oil from stage 1 will ensure that you never make it to stage 5. Stage 5 can normally last at least a week, so using oldsore oil can be very beneficial at ensuring you never make it to this long and emotionally draining cold sore stage.

How Do You Speed Up the Cold Sore Stages?

As mentioned, each cold sore stage can take a significant amount of time, from 1-2 days to 7-10 days for the healing cold sore stage. This is very frustrating and can be very demoralising. With oldsore’s cold sore oil, you can remove your cold sores completely in under 24 hours and only go through the tingle stage. Simply apply oldsore cold sore oil every 45 minutes for a day, and your cold sore will completely vanish.

How Do You Stop a Cold Sore from Forming?

To stop a cold sore from ever forming you pre-order helfi. helfi is a 100% natural and effective formula that prevents cold sores from forming as well as enhancing general health and well-being. This treatment comes in the form of a sachet and is 100% natural. By using these sachets daily, you will never need to use oldsore cold sore oil again.

Five Stages of a Cold Sore Cured in Under 24 Hours!

In conclusion, by using our oldsore cold sore oil, you can significantly decrease the cold sore stages you go through, from 5 stages to just 2 stages if oldsore cold sore oil is used properly from the start of stage 1. This will cure your cold sores quicker than any other cold sore treatment. Additionally, by using helfi, you won't have to worry about cold sores appearing again! Cold sores can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition to deal with. However, by understanding the stages of a cold sore and taking action by using oldsore's cold sore oil to reduce the severity and duration of the outbreak, and using helfi daily once the cold sore is gone, to never get a cold sore again, you’ll never have to worry about cold sores again.  As well as using oldsore products, it's also important to maintain good hygiene habits and avoid known triggers to prevent future cold sore outbreaks.

With proper care and treatment, cold sores can be effectively managed, allowing you to get back to your normal routine quickly and comfortably. See the results of our cold sore oil yourself and let us know how you get on by messaging us on Instagram.