How to prevent cold sores in cold weather using

As the chilly winds of winter approach, so does the risk of cold sores. These can be a nuisance and cause discomfort during the holiday season, but don't worry! This article will discuss useful ways to prevent cold sores in cold weather by using oldsore.

We'll also explore the causes of cold sores, the significance of selecting oldsore products, and how to use it to achieve the best possible results.

Understanding cold sores

Before we dive into prevention, it's crucial to understand what cold sores are and why they tend to flare up during cold weather.

What are cold sores?

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are small, fluid-filled blisters that typically appear on or around the lips. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and are highly contagious.

Cold weather and cold sores

Cold sores can be induced by chilly weather, as it can compromise the immune system and cause the lips to become dry due to the cold and windy conditions.

The role of preventing
cold sores with oldsore

Preventing cold sores in cold weather often requires the use of specialised products. Here's what you need to know:

Importance of choosing the oldsore product

Not all products are created equal when it comes to preventing cold sores. It's essential to select a product that is specifically designed for this purpose.

What makes oldsore oil special is:

Complete protection

oldsore’s advanced formula with natural ingredients stops cold sores from forming completely when applied at the tingle stage.

Get you back to your best self faster

oldsore cold sore treatment is the perfect solution to get you back to your best self with its fast-acting formula and quick pain relief.

24h healing time

oldsore is a fast cold sore treatment that heals current outbreaks in just 24 hours.

Key oldsore products to use


This is the natural daily sachet that prevents cold sores from forming. Rather than treating cold sores when they form, helfi’s natural ingredients such as Lysine, Blackberry extract, Vitamin C, Astaxanthin and Calcium lactate give your body everything it needs to prevent cold sores.

oldsore oil

The oil has been created with specific ingredients that stop cold sores in their tracks. The oldsore cold sore oil is the most effective solution available. oldsore oil drastically lowers the lifecycle of a cold sore from 14 days to 24 hours if taken every 45 minutes for a day. This results in you never having to worry about cold sores again.

How to use helfi and
oldsore oil for cold sores

Now that you have both helfi and oldsore oil products, let's discuss how to use them effectively.

Regular application

Consistency is key. Apply the helfi product as directed, even when you don't have an active outbreak. This can help reduce the frequency of cold sore episodes.

Early Detection and Treatment

If you feel that tell-tale tingling or itching sensation, don't wait. Apply the oldsore oil immediately to minimise the severity of the outbreak.


Lip Protection

Wearing a lip balm or moisturiser with SPF can shield your lips from the harsh effects of cold and wind.

Boosting Immunity

A robust immune system is your first line of defence. Ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Stay Warm and Covered

Protect your lips from harsh cold winds by wearing a scarf or a face mask. Keeping your lips covered can prevent them from getting chapped and vulnerable to cold sores.

Avoid Close Contact with Infected Individuals

Cold sores are highly contagious, so avoid close contact with anyone who has an active outbreak. Avoid sharing utensils, towels, or lip products with them.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your body and lips hydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body fight off infections, including the herpes simplex virus.

Lip Protection

Wearing a lip balm or moisturiser with SPF can shield your lips from the harsh effects of cold and wind.

Boosting Immunity

A robust immune system is your first line of defence. Ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Stay Warm and Covered

Protect your lips from harsh cold winds by wearing a scarf or a face mask. Keeping your lips covered can prevent them from getting chapped and vulnerable to cold sores.

Avoid Close Contact with Infected Individuals

Cold sores are highly contagious, so avoid close contact with anyone who has an active outbreak. Avoid sharing utensils, towels, or lip products with them.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your body and lips hydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body fight off infections, including the herpes simplex virus.

Lip Protection

Wearing a lip balm or moisturiser with SPF can shield your lips from the harsh effects of cold and wind.

Boosting Immunity

A robust immune system is your first line of defence. Ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Stay Warm and Covered

Protect your lips from harsh cold winds by wearing a scarf or a face mask. Keeping your lips covered can prevent them from getting chapped and vulnerable to cold sores.

Avoid Close Contact with Infected Individuals

Cold sores are highly contagious, so avoid close contact with anyone who has an active outbreak. Avoid sharing utensils, towels, or lip products with them.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your body and lips hydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body fight off infections, including the herpes simplex virus.

Frequently Asked

Can I use regular lip balm to prevent cold sores?

While regular lip balm can help, it's best to use a product specifically designed for cold sore prevention such as oldsore oil, as this contains active ingredients to combat the virus.

How long does it take for an oldsore product to work for cold sore?

oldsore oil works instantly to remove cold sores, and if applied every 45 minutes for a day, the cold sore will be gone in under 24 hours. helfi sachets should be taken daily, immunity starts once the first sachet is consumed. Sachets should be taken each day to avoid breakouts occurring.

Are cold sores contagious even when using oldsore?

Regularly adding helfi to your daily regimen can be effective in cold sore prevention, as the ingredients in helfi aid in strengthening immunity against outbreaks.

Can stress trigger cold sores in cold weather?

Yes, stress can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to cold sore outbreaks, so managing stress is crucial.




